Availability dates

The availability dates API allows you to retrieve availability of a specified product offering. For course product offerings a list of available start dates will be returned. You need to authenticate using an API Key in order to call this service; see the Authentication section for further details

HTTP Method
Client Library Message Name
Request parameters
Name Type Required? Description
SchoolCode string Yes The school code, see Schools
ProductCode string Yes The product code, see Products

Sample request


Failed to run contract transformer command: bin\Api.ContractTransformer.exe

{ "SchoolCode": "LON", "ProductCode": "C1" }

Sample response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 513

  "StartDates": [
      "Date": "2016-01-25",
      "NumberOfWeeks": [
          "Minimum": 1,
          "Maximum": 23
      "Date": "2016-02-01",
      "NumberOfWeeks": [
          "Minimum": 1,
          "Maximum": 23
      "Date": "2016-02-08",
      "NumberOfWeeks": [
          "Minimum": 1,
          "Maximum": 23
  "AvailabilityDateRanges": []