Webforms Service

These services are for the legacy webforms on ecenglish.com

Ask a Question Form

HTTP Method
Client Library Message Name

Sample Request


Failed to run contract transformer command: bin\Api.ContractTransformer.exe

    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "Email": "jms@example.com",
    "PhoneNumber": "+33 38474589 383",
    "Nationality": "GB",
    "Course": "General English",
    "HowDidYouHearAboutUs": "Google",
    "Message": "How much does the course cost?",
    "DateOfBirth": "1999-01-02",
    "PreferredCentre": "Brighton",
    "Locale": "en",
            "IsYoungLearners": false,
            "LeadReferrerCode": "REF01"

Sample Response



Field Type Required? Description
FirstName text(300) Y First name of the enquirer
LastName text(300) Y Last name of the enquirer
Email email Y Email address of the enquirer
PhoneNumber text(50) Y Phone number
Nationality text(2) Y Two letter ISO code of the country of nationality
Course [1] text(100) N Name of the course
HowDidYouHearAboutUs text(500) N Free form text entered by enquirer
Message text(4000) N Free text message entered by the enquirer
PreferredCentre [1] text(100) N Name of the school that the student wants to attend
DateOfBirth date Y Date of birth
Locale text(10) Y Two letter language code of the form
IsYoungLearners boolean N If the form is the young learners form then specify ‘Y’
LeadReferrerCode text(10) N EC code for the lead referrer

Request a Quote form

The API for a request a quote form on the website.

HTTP Method
Client Library Message Name

Sample Request


Failed to run contract transformer command: bin\Api.ContractTransformer.exe

    "Locale": "en",
    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "Gender": "Male",
    "DateOfBirth": "1993-03-22",
    "Nationality": "GB",
    "CountryOfResidence": "GB",
    "LevelOfEnglish": "Advanced",
    "Email": "jms@example.com",
    "PhoneNumber": "+33 43884 48484",
    "HowDidYouHearAboutUs": "via friends",
    "PreferredCentre": "Brighton",
    "Course": "General & Intensive English",
    "CourseStartDate": "2015-08-31",
    "CourseNumberOfWeeks": 2,
    "LessonsPerWeek": 20,
    "Accommodation": "Homestay",
    "AccommodationRoomOption": "Twin Room",
    "AccommodationCateringOption": "Bed and Breakfast",
    "AccommodationBathroomOption": "Shared bathroom",
    "AccommodationMiscOption": "",
    "AccommodationNumberOfWeeks": 2,
    "Extras": [
        "English + Boot Camp",
        "Gatwick Airport - Arrival Transfer"
    "Message": "Also interested in London",
    "SpecialRequirements": "",
    "AcceptsTerms": true,
            "LeadReferrerCode": "REF01"

Sample Response



Field Type Required? Description
Locale text(10) Y Two letter language code of the form
FirstName text(300) Y First name of the enquirer
LastName text(300) Y Last name of the enquirer
Gender text(20) Y Either Male or Female
DateOfBirth date Y Date of birth.
Nationality text(2) Y Two letter ISO code of the country of nationality
CountryOfReisdence text(2) Y Two letter ISO code of the country of residence
Email email Y Email address of the enquirer
Extras text(50) array N Extras requested. Each entry is free text
PhoneNumber text(50) Y Phone number
HowDidYouHearAboutUs text(500) N Free form text entered by enquirer
PreferredCentre [1] text(100) N Name of the school that the student wants to attend
Course [1] text(100) N Name of the course
CourseNumberOfWeeks int (1..100) N Number of weeks the student wishes to study
CourseStartDate date N Must be a Monday in the future but before the year 2100
LessonsPerWeek int (1..50) N Number of lessons per week
Accommodation text(100) N Accommodation details (e.g. “Homestay”)
AccommodationRoomOption [1] text(100) N Room type required (e.g. “Twin Room””)
AccommodationCateringOption [1] text(100) N Catering desired (e.g. “Bed and Breakfast”)
AccommodationBathroomOption [1] text(100) N Bathroom desired (e.g. “Shared Bathroom”)
AccommodationMiscOption [1] text(100) N Any other option for accommodation selected
Message text(4000) N Free text message entered by the enquirer
SpecialRequirements text(4000) N Free text of any special requirements for the booking
AcceptsTerms boolean Y true to indicate the terms were accepted
LeadReferrerCode text(10) N EC code for the lead referrer
[1](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) These values aren’t validated against a master list of allowed values. They are just treated as opaque text by the api